i still hate on most men 24/7. ok. my hate-on for male stupidity is due
to the fact i socialize as a man with men because i like to listen to loud music, watch cartoons, and discuss politics over too many beers. i hear what most of
these tools say about us women, and as a result, i am completely
appalled. the worst men on earth for this shit are those who fancy
themselves progressives.
i yell at my guy friends regarding their treatment/discussion of women all the time, and it either gets
a) hearty laughter
b) hearty dissing of feminism for being a bourgeois construct
note to self: kick all men in the balls more often.
women stupid? i think we are socialized to be somewhat pathetic. i
believe i was, but i do not take well to any socialization process. i
think the way men are is due to a really pathetic machismo
socialization process.
ive taken a liking to judith butler,
because i think that ditching gender as a binary is only a good thing.
i dont think you can ditch gender as a binary entirely, since a lot of
the gender discrimination is predicated on the male/female or
queer/hetero splits. there needs to be a way that people can discuss
gender and queerness while defining it for themselves in a way that
does not negate either the feminist or gay rights histories/projects.
i mean by that is i am so tired of all the "im a feminist, but i shave
my legs"/"im not a feminist, but i think women get paid less than men"
1. you are a feminist if you think the advances made
by the womens movement (birth control, pay equity, access to all
professions, etc) are noteworthy achievements. this doesnt mean you are
a radical feminist or a feminist activist or a butch who doesnt ascribe
to a depilatory regime.
the reason i am telling you that you are
a feminist is because the history of keeping women down still affects
women today, and it would be nice if all women who believe these
advances are good could have a label that just means 'i believe in
equality and freedom from being a birthing cow' so that we could
present a united front against the way things were. nobody is going to
confiscate your nailpolish or alienate your male friends the second you
are comfortable describing your beliefs as feminist.
2. expanding
peoples ability to identify with a wider gender spectrum would enable
women to demonstrate that there are so many different ways of living as
women and that none of them conflict with acknowledging the need for
women to stand up for themselves and their rights.
i know this sounds whack since im advancing one big label while encouraging more small labels. im trying to advance the notion of one big label that means 'i think women shouldnt be screwed over/treated like babies' co-existing with a complex idea with gender that would enable people to combine their personal gender identity with the broader aims of feminism.
(this post has been drafted as a massive flip of the bird to all the haters out there.)