i dont give a hoot about student politics. ok, i care deeply about the issues affecting ubc. in reality, i care about one or two issues. i think my level of information on said issues makes me more well-informed than the bulk of my peers and neighbours. smugly, i retreat into apathy mode.
when it comes to student politics, i am a cocky, uninformed voter.
so far, i know im voting for some dude named freidrich. he put stuff on his literature about how most ubc students commute 1+ hours/day and about the condos all over campus. that is pretty much everything i care about. dude totally just won the townie demographic.
i see all these signs on campus inviting me to some tete-a-tete with some tit from administration regarding the future of ubc (read: condos) . despite entitling this summit "what's the plan," i get the distinct impression the decisions have already been made. i feel its going to be more of a "that's the plan," really. i think im going to have to suck it up.
even though i have a hate-hate relationship with the pathetic 'learning' hovel we call ubc, ive displayed some signs of giving a shit. as a result, ive been compelled to visit this blog and vote or something. i will place my trust in these embedded journalists.
Student politics gets even less respect than municipal. It seems to be a universal constant, in Canada at least. I was elected to the Board of my Student Union at university, with just 23 votes.
Posted by: Saskboy | 29.01.2007 at 12:16
im going to run next year, if i can find a co-conspirator.
Posted by: ainge | 29.01.2007 at 12:56