i dont care about the lack of readers, but i am extremely despondent given the fact everyone who reads my blog and chooses to troll me sucks at it and cant do it without bringing up their shriveled little wangs or the fact i dont think we crackers have it all that rough.
if you need tips on trolling, i would like to suggest plato's republic (an entire book on the socratic trolling method) or the peloponnesian war (esp. speechby the corinthians)
i am also shaking my head and fist and tin of anthrax at anyone who is so goddamn clueless about the intarwebs that they think political blogs ought to turn down the vitriol. politics makes people assholes, the anonymity of the internet makes people assholes, and combined this just produces a large cloud of assholicus maximus that hangs over the public sphere like the stench over a bathroom stall.
assholes are awsome.
its like the metaphysical manifestation of truth or something.
its actually like when that guy is stuck in that cave...(thats life before trolling)..and then when he sees that the shadows are people and he limits his intellectual pursuit by walking upward and out of the cave. yah. thats what trolling does. it gives you revelation. even hegel reprezents.
totally awsome.
Posted by: fidel | 30.09.2006 at 00:38
You need new and improved Troll-B-Gone!!!!
Guaranteed to remove pesky trolls in a matter of seconds.
Apply directy to the forehead.
Posted by: Nastyboy | 15.10.2006 at 01:03