is it just me, or can every single party claim this may-dion collaboration as some kind of victory?
c-grit: I do tend to think the Liberals come out on top here, if only because it gives Dion's environmental platform an implicit vote of confidence and helps out the inevitable "vote Liberal to stop Harper" messaging we'll see the last weekend of the campaign.
candace: Dion and May just made Jack! look like an honest-to-God leader. And he's wasting no time talking about "back room deals" etc etc etc.
yes, i do think it is pretty fun to post a pro-ndp soundbite from candace.
section 15: And what of that long-time tradition of new leaders running unopposed in by-elections? It's not always applied, but it's widely regarded that leaders of significant political parties (like the Greens, ahem!) should be allowed into Parliament. Now, it is true the Greens don't have an MP yet, which exempts May from that tradition, but with Green popular support being firm, and barely trailing the NDP, I think it's time.
conservatives: OMG KEVIN POTVIN THE LIBERALS ARE SOFT ON TERROR, and i have no idea who this "rob anders" you speak of was.
its not what i would have done, but i dont know much about the politics. im kind of surprised at all the people who suddenly care deeply about the central nova liberal constituency association. oh, its the principle, you claim. like i said - am i the only person here who can think of better indicators of canada's democratic health than a liberal candidate in every riding?
at worst, this alliance will make dumbass urbanite progressives (who rag on socons for voting single-issue yet can only process one or two black-and-white issues at a time themselves) think they dont have to do something scary like vote green since the liberals are totally about the environment.
at best, peter mackay is outta there. ok. everyone in central nova, get back to work. i can't freakin stand the guy. let's send him home crying like belinda stronach did!